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Myanmar Classic Music & Concert Live Show

Myanmar activity Link will updated news and things whatever concern to myanmar so that everyone from myanmar know what happen & changes there.. This include such as phone card myanmar,myanmar vacation,sightseeing myanmar,myanmar cruises,money exchange rate,sedona hotel,Myanmar News

Music is good for your body to realx and re-charge your mind when get tired. Especially "Live concert Show". where you can really feel the heat of music & enjoy, at the same time you can wash away all your tiredness. So all my friend in Singapore, here is where you really need to go, enjoy & have fun while you still have a chance. If you want to get this chance next time, you must WAIT LONG LONG AGAIN as my best friend (my admirer) used to say.

Myanmar classic music & concert will be on the stage in coming 2nd December at Singapore Polytechnic. Ticket fee are 20 to 30 Singapore Dollar. You can purchase from this contact as well. Name: win maung maung .. Mail him at w_maung@yahoo.com

Please let your friend know about this site as well.............

Detail Of Event:

Myanmar Classic Music & Concert "Live"
Date: Dec 02 2006
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Singapore Polytechnic
Convention Centre (Dover MRT)

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Disclaimer: Please read terms & conditions from organizer of this event.
